Westwood Tennis Centre, Warwick University

Warwick, United Kingdom

Warwick University’s Westwood Tennis Centre aims to make tennis accessible to students and members of the public, with four indoor and four outdoor courts for players of all abilities.

Applications Covered:

The Challenge

To improve energy efficiency and lighting levels on the indoor playing courts, the University approached Thorlux Lighting to propose a plan for retrofitting the existing high-bay lighting. The existing fluorescent luminaires were switched on constantly during the centre’s opening hours of 7 am to 10 pm from Monday to Friday, and 7 am to 8 pm at weekends. Switching to a more efficient LED lighting system was a self-evident way of reducing energy costs and the building’s carbon footprint.

However, the fittings' bodies and louvres were still in good condition, so Thorlux was asked to design an LED retrofit gear tray to slot in and replace the old fluorescent lamps. This plan would minimise waste, reduce carbon through re-manufacturing, and help control costs.

The Solution

Using a sample fitting removed from the site, the Thorlux design team built a prototype LED gear tray to fit inside. The upgraded luminaire’s performance had to achieve Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Class II lighting level requirements. These included each court’s lighting being able to operate independently, providing the necessary lighting levels without reliance on neighbouring courts. The luminaires for each court were required to supply a minimum of 500 lux in the principal playing area with a uniformity index of 0.7, and 400 lux in the total playing area with a uniformity of 0.6.

In total, 160 luminaires were converted from old 4x 58w T8 fluorescent fittings, providing a SmartScan-controlled point-for-point LED replacement of the old system. The luminaires are angled at 30 degrees and mounted at 6.5 metres in height.

Each SmartScan luminaire measures the ambient light in its immediate surroundings and adjusts its output as required, ensuring maximum use of the natural light from the court skylights while maintaining LTA-mandated illumination levels. This ensures uniformity across the courts, maximising energy savings while adjusting for variations in natural daylight ingress. If natural light provides more than the required levels for over 10 minutes, the individual luminaire will turn off completely, further saving energy and reducing the wear of the LEDs.

The retrofitted lighting system is forecast to reduce the centre’s lighting energy consumption by an impressive 80%, saving over 34 tonnes of CO₂ each year. With a return on investment (ROI) of less than three years, a retrofitted LED system with SmartScan controls is the right choice for the Westwood Tennis Centre.

80 %

Energy saving


34.46 tonnes of CO


2.75 Years

Before & after comparison

Westwood Tennis Centre, Warwick University


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